Individuals must demonstrate basic knowledge of the Pyramid Approach to Education® and the PECS® teaching protocols by completing The PECS Level 1 Knowledge Examination, achieving a score of 90% or greater.
Individuals who pass the examination will be issued the PECS Level 1 Knowledge Certificate (this certificate is valid for two years from the date of completion).
Upon successful completion of the examination, individuals holding a valid PECS Level 1 Knowledge Certificate may continue on to the PECS Level 1 Practice Demonstration.
Prerequisites: Candidates must hold a valid Certificate of Attendance for the PECS Level 1 Training™ or PECS Level 2 Training presented by Pyramid Educational Consultants within the past six (6) months.
Fee: $40.00 USD per person

Individuals will demonstrate basic competency in implementing the PECS® teaching protocol and elements of the Pyramid Approach to Education®.
Demonstration requirements include:
- Demonstrating the teaching of phases I through VI, including a basic attribute lesson.
Written requirements include submitting:
- Two instructional plans.
- Three data sheets.
- A written description of how PECS is being implemented within two functional activities.
- A self-evaluation of all submitted demonstrations and written assignments.
Individuals will have one year to successfully complete all of the PECS Level 1 Practice Demonstration™ requirements. Upon successfully completing the demonstration requirements a Certification of Completion for the PECS Level 1 Implementer Certification Program™ is issued.
The PECS Level 1 Certified Implementer™ status is valid for three years from the date of completion.
PECS Level 1 Certified Implementer™ holding a valid certificate may continue on to the PECS Level 2 Implementer Certification Program™.
Prerequisites: valid PECS Level 1 Knowledge Certificate™
Fee: $500.00 USD per person

The PECS® Level 2 Knowledge Examination requires individuals to demonstrate problem solving within the PECS protocol, knowledge of teaching advanced skills in the PECS protocol and the Pyramid Approach to Education®. Individuals must complete The PECS Level 2 Examination, achieving a score of 90% or greater.
Individuals who pass the examination will be issued the PECS Level 2 Knowledge Certificate (this certificate is valid for two years from the date of completion).
Upon completion of the examination, individuals holding a valid PECS Level 2 Knowledge Certificate may continue on to the PECS Level 2 Practice Demonstration.
Prerequisites: Candidates must hold a valid Certificate of Attendance for PECS Level 2 Training presented by Pyramid Educational Consultants within the past six (6) months and a valid PECS Level 1 Knowledge Certificate.
Fee: $40.00 USD per person

Demonstration requirements include:
- Implementing PECS in within different functional activities across the day
- Teaching attributes within an activity/lesson to a learner
- Teaching Phase VI within an activity/lesson to a learner
Written requirements include:
- A written description of how PECS is being implemented within functional activities (included as part of the PECS Across the Day demonstration requirement)
- Answering questions on how to solve common PECS implementation issues
- Identifying Phases of PECS and the related Error Correction Procedures
- Completing instructional plans on how to teach the phases of PECS
- Completing a self-evaluation for all submitted demonstrations and written assignments
Individuals will have one (1) year to successfully complete all of the PECS Level 2 Practice Demonstration™ requirements. Upon successfully completing the demonstration requirements a Certification of Completion for the PECS Level 2 Implementer Certification Program™ is issued.
The PECS Level 2 Certified Implementer™ status is valid for three (3) years from the date of completion.
Prerequisites: valid PECS Level 1 Implementer Certificate™ and PECS Level 2 Knowledge Certificate™
Fee: $500.00 USD per person

개인은 PECS 레벨 1 지식(필기) 시험에서 90% 이상 점수를 받아야 하며, 피라미드 교육 접근법® 및 PECS® 교수 프로토콜과 관련된 기본 지식을 증명할 수 있어야 합니다.
시험에 합격한 사람들은 완료일로부터 2 년 동안 유효한 PECS 레벨 1 지식(필기) 인증서를 받게 됩니다.
시험을 성공적으로 완료한 후, 개인은 PECS 레벨 1 실기 기술을 계속 시연할 수 있습니다.
요구 사항: 신청자는 유효한 PECS 레벨 1 또는 레벨 2 교육 수료증을 가지고 있어야 하며, 완료일로부터 6개월 이내여야 합니다.
수수료: 1인당 40.00 USD

설명 the PECS® 교수 프로토콜 (매뉴얼) 및 기본 역량 을 교육 피라미드 접근법®의 요소를 구현하는 방법
실습 요구 사항:
PECS 1-6 단계, 기본 수량 수업 포함.
서면 요구 사항 제출:
2 교수 계획
3 데이터 시트
- 두 가지 기능 활동에서 PECS가 어떻게 구현되었는지에 대한 설명 제출
- 실습 기술과 제출된 메모에 대한 자기 평가 제출
PECS Level 1 전문가 자격증™ 은 발급일로부터 3년간 유효합니다.
PECS Level 1 전문가 자격증™은 PECS Level 2 전문가 자격증 프로그램™의 유효한 자격으로 계속 유지됩니다.
전제 조건: 유효한 PECS Level 1 서면 자격증™
등록비: 660,000 원